martes, 30 de mayo de 2023

30 MAY


30 May:



 Today was a very interesting day.We arrived at Hirubide school at 10:30am.We had our activity in library.We prepared some questions for an inrerview.We took a break and after we filmed the interview.After that we made a blog about this day and we finish the activities.



Gaur, egun oso interesgarria izan da. Errumaniako ikasleak goizeko 10:30tan iritsi dira. Joan gara liburutegira eta hor irakasleek azaldu digute zer egin behar, azaldu ondoren lana egiten hasi gara. Galdera batzuk egin behar genuen eta galdera hoiek erantzun behar genituen. Lana bukatzean, jolasgaraiara joan gara. Jolasgaraia bukatu ondoren, gure galderak eta erantzunak grabatu ditugu.

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31 MAY

   Today is the third day since we arrives at the Irun school.We spent some beautiful moments with the students of this school.At 10 oclock ...