miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023

31 MAY


 Today is the third day since we arrives at the Irun school.We spent some beautiful moments with the students of this school.At 10 oclock we arrived at school.We went to the school library and we started the activites.We edited the videos made yesterday.It took us around an hour.It was fun because we worked together.

Today was a wonderful day.

Gaur, izan da hirugarren eguna hemen Hirubide eskolan. Izan dira egun zoragarriak hemengo ikasleekin. 10etan Errumaniako ikasleak etorri dira eta liburutegira joan gara, liburutegian atzoko bideoak editatzen hasi gara ordu bat iraun dugu editatzen. Oso dibertigarria izan da, denen artean egin dugulako.

Gaur izan da egun oso dibertigarria.


                                                                                  Ainhoa,Alexia,Ariana and Luca

Gaur egin duguna gimkana moduko bat izan da. Arrastoak genituen eta erantzunak bilatu behar
izan genituen irun eta joan ginen toki bakoitzari argazkiak atera. 4 galdera egin genituen
eta 3ko taldeak ginen, 2 errumaniera eta 1 gaztelania. Erantzun bakoitza Sararen gmailera
bidaltzen dugu

Today what we did was a kind of gymkhana.We had clues and we had to look for the answers 
in irun and take photos of each place where we went.We had 4 questions and we were groups of
 3, 2 Romanian and 1 Spanish. We send each response to Sara's gmail.
Today what we did was a kind of gymkhana. We had clues and we had to look for the answers in irun and take photos of each place where we went. We had 4 questions and we were groups of 3, 2 Romanian and 1 Spanish. We send each response to Sara's gmail


Wednesday in the morning Asteazkena goizez

Today we edited a video for Erasmus+. It was fun because we worked together and we discovered new things about editing. First, we cut the videos, then we added effects and we also placed sounds and explanations.

But it was a bit complicated because we needed to cut the videos and place them together. We tried our best and we hope that the result will be a good one.

It was a great and interesting activity for us. 

Gaur, bideo bat editatu egin dugu Erasmus+ proiekturako. Oso dibertigarria izan da elkarrekin lan egin dugulako, eta teknologiari buruzko gauza berriak ikasi ditugu. Lehenengo bideoak moztu ditugu, gero bideoak elkartu eta efektuak jarri dizkiogu geratu den bideo bakarrari  eta azkenik,soinuak eta azalpenak gehitu ditugu.

Ez da oso zaila izan, baina bideo guztiak moztu eta elkartu ditugu. Ahalik eta hoberen egiten saiatu gara, eta oso ondo gelditu zaigu.

Ekintza interesgarria eta dibertigarria izan da.


  • Aimara Valbuena
  • Irina Ungureanu
  • Bianca Zaibert

Third day in Hirubide

Today we saw the videos we recorded yesterday,we put them together ,we addesd special effects ,we edit them and then we sent our final video to Arantxa.We had lots of fun while making and editing the videos!

Gaur atzo grabatutako bideoak ikusi ditugu, batu ditugu, efektu bereziak gehitu ditugu, editatu dugu eta gero Arantxari bidali diogu azken bideoa. Oso ondo pasatu dugu bideoak egiten eta editatzen!

Ivan Matei (Michael Jordan)

Apostolescu Luca

Eder Zubikoa

Ghiocel Ana-Maria

Gaurkoan, atzo egin genuen bideoa editatzea izan da, atzokoan ploiet eta irunaren inguruko galde
ra batzuei erantzunez bideo bat grabatu genuen. Bideoa capcut-en editatu dugu, erabiltzeko erraza
den aplikazioa baita. bukatzean arantxari bidaliko diogu blogera igo dezan.
Today what we are doing has been to edit the video we did yesterday since yesterday we recorded
a video answering some questions about ploiet and irun. We have edited the video in capcut
since it is an easy-to-use application. when finished we will send it to arantxa so that she 
can upload it to the blog.

martes, 30 de mayo de 2023

    Ieri a fost prima zi in care am ajuns la scoala din Irun, unde am reintalnit vechi prieteni.Dupa ce am finalizat activitatile, am luat pranzul impreuna la cantina lor. Apoi am plecat de la scoala, am mers la statie si am luat autobuzul catre Hondarribia.Am mers apoi la plaja, unde ne- am jucat,am povestit ,am alergat si ne-am bronzat.

    Am iesit in centrul orasului ,unde am vizitat monumete istorice, am luat inghetata ,am mancat la un restaurant cei mai gustosi burgeri pe care i am mancat vreodata.

    A fost o zi de neuitat!

30 MAY


30 May:



 Today was a very interesting day.We arrived at Hirubide school at 10:30am.We had our activity in library.We prepared some questions for an inrerview.We took a break and after we filmed the interview.After that we made a blog about this day and we finish the activities.



Gaur, egun oso interesgarria izan da. Errumaniako ikasleak goizeko 10:30tan iritsi dira. Joan gara liburutegira eta hor irakasleek azaldu digute zer egin behar, azaldu ondoren lana egiten hasi gara. Galdera batzuk egin behar genuen eta galdera hoiek erantzun behar genituen. Lana bukatzean, jolasgaraiara joan gara. Jolasgaraia bukatu ondoren, gure galderak eta erantzunak grabatu ditugu.

31 MAY

   Today is the third day since we arrives at the Irun school.We spent some beautiful moments with the students of this school.At 10 oclock ...