Today is the third day since we arrives at the Irun school.We spent some beautiful moments with the students of this school.At 10 oclock we arrived at school.We went to the school library and we started the activites.We edited the videos made yesterday.It took us around an hour.It was fun because we worked together.
Today was a wonderful day.
Gaur, izan da hirugarren eguna hemen Hirubide eskolan. Izan dira egun zoragarriak hemengo ikasleekin. 10etan Errumaniako ikasleak etorri dira eta liburutegira joan gara, liburutegian atzoko bideoak editatzen hasi gara ordu bat iraun dugu editatzen. Oso dibertigarria izan da, denen artean egin dugulako.
Gaur izan da egun oso dibertigarria.
Ainhoa,Alexia,Ariana and Luca